The plugin to implement an interactive toolbar component is called Toolbar.
With the Toolbar plugin you can easily enrich your application with various tools. Either use built-in controls to manage other JointJS+ plugins (e.g zoomIn
for PaperScroller, undo
for CommandManager) or custom tools of your desire - just choose a type of UI primitive (range
, inputText
, button
etc.) and attach an action listener. Toolbar is a container for these tools (called "Widgets" in JointJS+).
Import the Toolbar
from the ui
namespace and create a new instance of it. Pass tools
definitions to it to specify which Widgets should be added to the Toolbar.
import { ui } from '@joint/plus';
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'checkbox' },
{ type: 'range', name: 'slider', min: 0, max: 10, step: 1 },
{ type: 'separator' },
{ type: 'toggle', name: 'toggle', label: ''},
'separator', // also possible, use defaults
{ type: 'inputText' },
{ type: 'button', name: 'ok', text: 'Ok' },
{ type: 'button', name: 'cancel', text: 'Cancel' },
{ type: 'separator' }
There is also a UMD version available
Include joint.ui.toolbar.js
and joint.ui.toolbar.css
to your HTML:
<link href="joint.ui.toolbar.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="joint.js"></script>
<script src="joint.ui.toolbar.js"></script>
And access the Toolbar
through the joint.ui
const toolbar = new joint.ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'checkbox' },
{ type: 'range', name: 'slider', min: 0, max: 10, step: 1 },
{ type: 'separator' },
{ type: 'toggle', name: 'toggle', label: ''},
'separator', // also possible, use defaults
{ type: 'inputText' },
{ type: 'button', name: 'ok', text: 'Ok' },
{ type: 'button', name: 'cancel', text: 'Cancel' },
{ type: 'separator' }
How does Toolbar work?​
The ui.Toolbar
constructor takes a tools
object which specifies the Widgets to be added to the Toolbar. The next thing to do is rendering the Toolbar (toolbar.render()
) and appending the Toolbar HTML element (el
) to a holder, which can be any element in your HTML.
Please see the demo for reference on how to do that if you're in doubts:
Referencing other JointJS+ plugins​
JointJS+ comes with several built-in Widget type definitions that enable interaction with the PaperScroller and CommandManager plugins via the Toolbar. Whenever you use such a Widget type in a Toolbar, you need to pass the Widget type's required references into the Toolbar as well.
const paperScroller = new ui.PaperScroller({
paper: paper,
autoResizePaper: true,
const commandManager = new dia.CommandManager({
graph: graph,
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
autoToggle: true,
theme: 'modern',
// initialize tools with default settings
tools: ['zoomIn', 'zoomOut', 'zoomToFit', 'zoomSlider', 'undo', 'redo'],
references: {
paperScroller: paperScroller,
commandManager: commandManager
Try playing around with these Widget types:
The plugin to implement a generic tool definition for the Toolbar component is called Widget.
The Widget plugin is not intended to be used directly - instead, Widget instances are created at Toolbar creation according to the provided
definitions, for example:
tools: [
{ type: 'checkbox' },
{ type: 'range', name: 'slider', min: 0, max: 10, step: 1 },
{ type: 'separator' },
{ type: 'toggle', name: 'toggle', label: '' },
'separator', // also possible, use defaults
{ type: 'inputText' },
{ type: 'button', name: 'ok', text: 'Ok' },
{ type: 'button', name: 'cancel', text: 'Cancel' },
{ type: 'separator' }
Widget types​
By default, the Toolbar uses ui.widgets
as the Widget namespace - the Toolbar constructor tries to match the type
of each tools
item object to a key of the namespace object and use the value as a constructor. An error is thrown when a Widget type cannot be found.
It is possible to specify your own Widget namespace via the ui.Toolbar.options.widgetNamespace
option. This is useful if you need to add a custom Widget definition to the default namespace, for example.
The Widget types available in the ui.widgets
namespace are listed below in order of their type
Insert a button-type input field to the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.button
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'button', text: 'text' }
Insert a checkbox-type input field to the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.checkbox
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'checkbox', label: 'label', value: true }
Insert a color-type input field to the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.colorPicker
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'colorPicker', value: '#4666E5' }
Insert a fullscreen button into the Toolbar, which can trigger the browser's full-screen mode for a specific HTML Element. It is implemented as a button-type input field. See the API reference for ui.widgets.fullscreen
for more information.
The fullscreen feature is available only if the target
is not displayed within an iframe. Otherwise, the button is hidden.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'fullscreen' }
Insert a number-type input field into the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.inputNumber
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'inputNumber', label: 'label', value: 123 }
Insert a text-type input field into the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.inputText
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'inputText', label: 'label', value: 'value' }
Insert a piece of text into the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.label
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'label', text: 'text' }
Insert a range-type input field into the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.range
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'range', min: 0, max: 100, value: 50 }
Insert a redo button into the Toolbar, which can communicate with a CommandManager instance to redo next change in the diagram. It is implemented as a button-type input field. See the API reference for ui.widgets.redo
for more information.
The Widget type requires the following ui.Toolbar.options.references
, a CommandManager instance which keeps track of the history of the diagram.
Usually used together with the undo Widget type:
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'undo' },
{ type: 'redo' }
references: {
commandManager: commandManager
Insert an instance of SelectBox into the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.selectBox
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
type: 'select-box', width: 200,
options: [
{ content: 'Arial' },
{ content: 'Helvetica' },
{ content: 'Times New Roman' },
{ content: 'Courier New' }
Insert an instance of SelectButtonGroup into the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.selectButtonGroup
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
type: 'select-button-group', multi: true, selected: [1, 3],
options: [
{ value: 'line-through', content: '<span style="text-decoration: line-through">S</span>' },
{ value: 'underline', content: '<span style="text-decoration: underline">U</span>' },
{ value: 'italic', content: '<span style="font-style: italic">I</span>' },
{ value: 'bold', content: '<span style="font-weight: bold">B</span>' }
Insert a vertical line into the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.separator
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'label', text: 'separator -->' },
{ type: 'separator' },
{ type: 'label', text: '<-- separator'},
{ type: 'label', text: '///'},
{ type: 'label', text: 'separator (width: 20px) -->' },
{ type: 'separator', width: 20 },
{ type: 'label', text: '<-- separator (width: 20px)' },
Insert a textarea element into the Toolbar. See the API reference for ui.widgets.textarea
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'textarea', label: 'label', value: 'value' }
Insert a toggle into the Toolbar. It is implemented as a checkbox-type input field. See the API reference for ui.widgets.toggle
for more information.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'toggle', label: 'label ', value: true }
Insert an undo button into the Toolbar, which can communicate with a CommandManager instance to undo previous change in the diagram. It is implemented as a button-type input field. See the API reference for ui.widgets.undo
for more information.
The Widget type requires the following ui.Toolbar.options.references
, a CommandManager instance which keeps track of the history of the diagram.
Usually used together with the redo Widget type:
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'undo' },
{ type: 'redo' }
references: {
commandManager: commandManager
Insert a zoom-in button into the Toolbar, which can communicate with a PaperScroller instance to trigger zoom. It is implemented as a button-type input field. See the API reference for ui.widgets.zoomIn
for more information.
"Zooming in" means increasing the zoom level (i.e. zoom level 2 has elements twice as large as default zoom level 1).
The Widget type requires the following ui.Toolbar.options.references
, a PaperScroller instance whose zoom level will be changed.
Usually used together with the zoomOut ("-") and zoomToFit ("fit") Widget types:
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'zoomIn' },
{ type: 'zoomOut' },
{ type: 'zoomToFit' }
references: {
paperScroller: paperScroller
Insert a zoom-out button into the Toolbar, which can communicate with a PaperScroller instance to trigger zoom. It is implemented as a button-type input field. See the API reference for ui.widgets.zoomOut
for more information.
"Zooming out" means decreasing the zoom level (i.e. zoom level 0.5 has elements half as small as default zoom level 1).
The Widget type requires the following ui.Toolbar.options.references
, a PaperScroller instance whose zoom level will be changed.
Usually used together with the zoomIn ("+") and zoomToFit ("fit") Widget types:
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'zoomIn' },
{ type: 'zoomOut' },
{ type: 'zoomToFit' }
references: {
paperScroller: paperScroller
Insert a zoom slider into the Toolbar, which can communicate with a PaperScroller instance to trigger zoom. It is implemented as a range-type input field. See the API reference for ui.widgets.zoomSlider
for more information.
The Widget type requires the following ui.Toolbar.options.references
, a PaperScroller instance whose zoom level will be changed.
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'zoomSlider' }
references: {
paperScroller: paperScroller
Insert a zoom-to-fit button into the Toolbar, which can communicate with a PaperScroller instance to trigger zoom. It is implemented as a button-type input field. See the API reference for ui.widgets.zoomToFit
for more information.
"Zooming to fit" means changing the zoom level such that all of the diagram content (Elements and Links) are completely visible in the viewport.
The Widget type requires the following ui.Toolbar.options.references
, a PaperScroller instance whose zoom level will be changed.
Usually used together with the zoomIn ("+") and zoomOut ("-") Widget types:
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'zoomIn' },
{ type: 'zoomOut' },
{ type: 'zoomToFit' }
references: {
paperScroller: paperScroller
The Toolbar acts as a proxy for Widget events, so an event triggered on a Widget instance can also be caught on the Toolbar instance. Event names are prefixed with the Widget instance's name
followed by a colon :
to make it possible to distinguish which Toolbar Widget the event is coming from.
See the API reference for ui.widgets
for a list of events which may be triggered by each Widget type.
In order to be able to listen to a Widget instance, the Toolbar Widget in question must be created with a name
property set.
Example usage:
const toolbar = new ui.Toolbar({
tools: [
{ type: 'toggle', name: 'toggle' },
{ type: 'button', name: 'ok', text: 'Ok' },
{ type: 'button', name: 'cancel', text: 'Cancel' },
toolbar.on('toggle:change', function(value, event) {
console.log(value, event);
toolbar.on('ok:pointerclick', function(event) {
console.log('ok clicked');
toolbar.on('cancel:pointerclick', function(event) {
console.log('cancel clicked');