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Version: 4.1


VisioShape inherits from VisioSheetObject abstract class, exposing an API used in cells manipulation: getOwnCellNames, getCell, setCell and removeCell.

visioShape.fromMaster(master, page)

Return a new VisioShape created from a provided master and on a provided page.

The fromMaster() example shows a typical case when a loaded archive is used as an export target, so it's used both as a source of masters, and the target for the created VisioShapes.



visioShape.addSection<K extends keyof VisioSection.SectionClassByType>(type: K): VisioSection.SectionClassByType[K];

Add a new VisioSection (either VisioIndexedSection or VisioNamedSection) based on the given type. In case it is a named section that already exists, new one will not be added. New indexed section will be appended at the end of the given collection with an index incremented from the previously highest index.

// add a custom properties section


visioShape.getAncestorShapes(): VisioShape[];

Return an array of ancestor VisioShapes of the shape, ordered starting with highest level.


visioShape.getComputedGeometry(): VisioGeometrySection[];

Return an array of sections merged from own and inherited geometries. If there is no geometry sections defined on either shape or the master, return an empty array.


visioShape.getComputedSection<K extends keyof VisioSection.SectionClassByType>(name: K): VisioSection.SectionClassByType[K] | null;

Return a section merged from own and inherited from master section data. If section of the name does not exist on either, return null.

If the given name is VisioSectionType.Geometry, return results of visioShape.getComputedGeometry().


visioShape.getConnect(): VisioConnect | null;

Return a VisioConnect of the shape. If shape does not have a connect pointing to it, return null.


visioShape.getGeometry(): VisioGeometrySection[];

Return an array shapes own geometry sections. If none is defined, return an empty array.


async visioShape.getImage(): Promise<VisioImageObject | null>;

Return an image object containing following properties:

interface VisioImageObject {
absolutePath: string;
file: string;
extension: string;
base64: string;
selector: string;


File path within the visio archive.


File name of the image.


File extension of the image.


A base64 representation of the image.


Image element selector.


visioShape.getMaster(): VisioMaster | null;

Return a VisioMaster for a shape. Return null if the shape was not created from a stencil master.


visioShape.getOwnSectionNames(): string[];

Return an array of section names defined for the shape.


visioShape.getPageAngle(): number;

Return a number describing shape angle to the page.


visioShape.getPageBBox(): g.Rect;

Return a g.Rect describing the shape bbox on the page.


visioShape.getPagePosition(): g.Point;

Return a g.Point describing position of the shape on the page.


visioShape.getPageZIndex(): number;

Return an int describing the shape z-index on the page.


visioShape.getRootShape(): VisioShape;

Return the VisioShape that is a root shape for the given shape, or the visioShape itself if it is a root shape.


visioShape.getSection<K extends keyof VisioSection.SectionClassByType>(type: K): VisioSection.SectionClassByType[K] | null;

If an own section of type exists on the shape, return it. If a section does not exist on the shape, return null

Own sections are defined for the shape and set values override sections inherited from master shape.

If the given type is VisioSectionType.Geometry, return results of visioShape.getGeometry().


visioShape.getSectionNames(): string[];

Return an array of all section names available for the shape, including inherited ones.


visioShape.getSubShapes(): VisioShape[];

Return an array of all shapes nested within the given visioShape.


visioShape.getText(): string;

Return a string representing shape text if one exists. If none is defined, return empty ''.


visioShape.hasImage(): boolean;

Return true if the shape contains an image.


visioShape.isOneDimensional(): boolean;

Return true if the shape is considered 1-D (one-dimensional) in Visio. Such shapes contain beginX, beginY, endX, endY cells. Return false if shape is considered 2-D.


visioShape.removeSection<K extends keyof VisioSection.SectionClassByType>(type: K, index?: number): void;

If a named section is being removed, only the type parameter is required. For indexed section, a second parameter, index has to be provided. index defaults to 0 if none is provided.

// remove property section

// remove geometry section with index 2
vsdShape.removeSection(types.VisioSectionType.Geometry, 2);


visioShape.setText(text: string): void;

Update shape text with given text. Do mind this will override the existing text.


visioShape.toElementAttributes(): dia.Element.Attributes;

Return JointJS dia.Element attributes created from the shape. It's particularly useful when using custom Element instead of the one used by the default converter.


There are several properties that can be accessed:

id​ number;

A unique, integer shape id.


visioShape.masterId: number;

masterId points to a master given shape was created from.

name​ string | null;

A string name of the shape.


visioShape.type: types.VisioShapeType | string;

A string type of the shape, i.e. 'Shape' or 'Group'.

Static Methods​


VisioShape.fromMaster(master: VisioMaster, page: VisioPage): VisioShape;
const archive = await VisioArchive.fromURL('./project.vsdx');
const { document: vsdDocument } = archive;
const [page0] = vsdDocument.getPages();

// pick a stencil master
const masters = vsdDocument.getMastersNameMap();
const [master0] = masters['Master Name'];

// create a raw shape based on a stencil Master
const vsdShape = await VisioShape.fromMaster(master, page0);