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Version: 4.1


VisioRow inherits from VisioSheetObject abstract class, exposing an API used in cells manipulation: getOwnCellNames, getCell, setCell and removeCell.

VisioRow is contained within a VisioSection. Each row contains cells describing a VisioSection that the row is contained in.

Available cells are defined by a section type row. More information can be found in the Visio documentation.


There are several properties that can be accessed:


visioRow.index?: number;

If the row is part of a indexed VisioSection, returns an integer index of the row.

name​ string;

If the row is part of a named VisioSection, returns a name of the row.


visioRow.type?: types.VisioRowType | string;

Return type of the row or undefined if there is no type set.

As an example, type is used by Geometry section rows to indicate what kind if drawing action it describes, i.e. 'LineTo'.

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