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Version: 4.1


VisioShapes and VisioRows contain VisioSections that describe them using cells.

VisioSection is an abstract class that VisioNamedSection and VisioIndexedSection inherit from. It provides an API to look-up VisioRows. Classes that inherit from it expose API to fetch and modify rows.

Section row structures​


Named structures identify rows by a name that is unique for given section.

Actions Control Hyperlink Property ActionTag User.


Indexed structures order rows using an integer index. Order of indexed rows is important.

Character Connection Field FillGradient Geometry Layer LineGradient Paragraph Reviewer Scratch Tabs.



visioSection.getRows(): VisioRow[];

Return an array of VisioRows the section contains. If none exist, return an empty array.


There is one property that can be accessed:


visioSection.type: types.VisioSectionType | string;

Return type of the section. Each section type has one of the two row structures, either 'Indexed' or 'Named'.



interface SectionClassByType {
Actions: VisioNamedSection;
ActionTag: VisioNamedSection;
Character: VisioIndexedSection;
Connection: VisioIndexedSection;
Control: VisioNamedSection;
Field: VisioIndexedSection;
FillGradient: VisioIndexedSection;
Geometry: VisioGeometrySection[];
Hyperlink: VisioNamedSection;
Layer: VisioIndexedSection;
LineGradient: VisioIndexedSection;
Paragraph: VisioIndexedSection;
User: VisioDataSection;
Property: VisioDataSection;
Scratch: VisioIndexedSection;
Tabs: VisioIndexedSection;


type VisioSectionType = keyof SectionClassByType;

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