The Control
element tool is an abstract class which allows you to build tools to control the look or shape of an element by simply dragging a UI handle. It accepts a few additional arguments, which can be passed as an object to the element tool constructor:
selector | string | null | The element selector pointing to an element subnode, which the tool draws a frame around during dragging. If null provided, no frame will be shown. |
padding | number | The padding between the area and the bounding box of the node designated by selector . |
handleAttributes | function | An object with SVG attributes to be applied to the tool's handle. |
scale | number | Scale the button up or down on a 2D plane. The default is 1 . |
namespace Control {
interface Options extends dia.ToolView.Options {
selector?: string;
padding?: number;
handleAttributes?: Partial<attributes.NativeSVGAttributes>
abstract class Control extends dia.ToolView {
protected getPosition(view: dia.ElementView): dia.Point;
protected setPosition(view: dia.ElementView, coordinates: g.Point, evt: dia.Event): void;
protected resetPosition(view: dia.ElementView, evt: dia.Event): void;
getPosition(view: dia.ElementView): dia.Point; | The method should return the position of the handle based on a model value. The position is defined in the element model coordinate system (point
setPosition(view: dia.ElementView, coordinates: g.Point, evt: dia.Event): void; | The method is executed each time the handle is moved. It's supposed to set the new model value derived from the current pointer |
resetPosition(view: dia.ElementView, evt: dia.Event): void; | The method is executed when the handle is double-clicked. It's supposed to reset the model value back to a default. |
Here's an ES5 example of a tool, which provides the user a way to modify the border radius of an rectangle.
var RadiusTool = elementTools.Control.extend({
getPosition: function(view) {
var model = view.model;
var size = model.size();
var tilt = model.topRy();
return { x: size.width / 2, y: 2 * tilt };
setPosition: function(view, coordinates) {
var model = view.model;
var size = model.size();
var tilt = Math.min(Math.max(coordinates.y, 0), size.height / 2);
model.topRy(tilt, { ui: true, tool: this.cid });
resetPosition: function(view) {
var radius = this.options.defaultRadius || 0;
model.attr(['body'], { rx: radius, ry: radius });
TypeScript example of the same control:
interface RadiusControlOptions extends elementTools.Control.Options {
defaultRadius?: number;
class RadiusControl extends elementTools.Control {
protected getPosition(view: dia.ElementView): dia.Point {
const { model } = view;
const radius = model.attr(['body', 'ry']) || 0;
return { x: 0, y: radius };
protected setPosition(view: dia.ElementView, coordinates: dia.Point): void {
const { model } = view;
const { height } = model.size();
const radius = Math.min(Math.max(coordinates.y, 0), height / 2);
model.attr(['body'], { rx: radius, ry: radius });
protected resetPosition(view: dia.ElementView): void {
const { model } = view;
const { defaultRadius = 0 } = this.options;
model.attr(['body'], { rx: defaultRadius, ry: defaultRadius });
Add the tool to a rectangle element to allow the user adjust its "border radius".
rectangle.findView(paper).addTools(new dia.ToolsView({
tools: [
new RadiusTool({ handleAttributes: { fill: 'orange' }})