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Version: 4.1


The Button element tool allows you to have a custom button rendered at a given position above the element. It accepts a few additional arguments, which can be passed as an object to the element tool constructor:

xstring | numberUse percentage strings (e.g. '40%') or calc() expression (e.g. 'calc(0.4 * w)') to position the button relatively to the element width/height. A number means distance from the top-left corner of the element. Default is 0.
rotatebooleanShould the button rotate according to the element angle around the element center? Default is false.
offsetobjectAdditional offset of the button from the position defined by x and y. Default is { x: 0, y: 0 }.
actionfunctionWhat should happen when the user clicks the button? Default is undefined (no interaction).

The callback function is expected to have the signature function(evt, elementView, buttonView) where evt is a DOM event. The element view is available inside the function as this; the element model is available as this.model.
markupJSONMarkupThe markup of the button, provided in the JointJS JSON format. Default is undefined (no content).
scalenumberScale the button up or down on a 2D plane. The default is 1.

Example of a useful custom info button:

import { elementTools } from '@joint/core';

const infoButton = new elementTools.Button({
focusOpacity: 0.5,
// top-right corner
x: '100%',
y: '0%'',
offset: { x: -5, y: -5 },
action: function(evt) {
alert('View id: ' + + '\n' + 'Model id: ' +;
markup: [{
tagName: 'circle',
selector: 'button',
attributes: {
'r': 7,
'fill': '#001DFF',
'cursor': 'pointer'
}, {
tagName: 'path',
selector: 'icon',
attributes: {
'd': 'M -2 4 2 4 M 0 3 0 0 M -2 -1 1 -1 M -1 -4 1 -4',
'fill': 'none',
'stroke': '#FFFFFF',
'stroke-width': 2,
'pointer-events': 'none'

The elementTools.Button class can also be extended, to create a reusable custom button type. Then, a new instance of the custom button type can be obtained by calling its constructor:

const InfoButton = elementTools.Button.extend({
name: 'info-button',
options: {
focusOpacity: 0.5,
distance: 60,
action: function(evt) {
alert('View id: ' + + '\n' + 'Model id: ' +;
markup: [{
tagName: 'circle',
selector: 'button',
attributes: {
'r': 7,
'fill': '#001DFF',
'cursor': 'pointer'
}, {
tagName: 'path',
selector: 'icon',
attributes: {
'd': 'M -2 4 2 4 M 0 3 0 0 M -2 -1 1 -1 M -1 -4 1 -4',
'fill': 'none',
'stroke': '#FFFFFF',
'stroke-width': 2,
'pointer-events': 'none'

const infoButton = new InfoButton();