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Version: 4.1

What's in the JointJS+ package?

Do you want to explore the JointJS+ package? Read about the files, folders & applications to get started!

Downloading the JointJS+ package

If you have a valid license, download JointJS+ from our license portal. Alternatively, sign up for a free 30-day trial.

Files & FoldersDescription
apps/JointJS+ applications' source code
build/JointJS+ installable packages
CHANGELOGA record of all notable changes in JointJS & JointJS+
LICENSELicense detailing permitted use JointJS+
README.mdInformation about the JointJS+ package

Files & Folders in depth


apps/ contains the source code for JointJS+ applications. Each application contains installation instruction in its respective file.


build/ contains a package/ directory that has several files of interest including the JointJS+ installable package joint-plus.tgz.

  • joint-plus.tgz
  • joint-plus.js (UMD format)
  • joint-plus.css (If using the UMD format, include a separate CSS file)

The build/ directory also has package-vsm/, package-visio/ package-bpmn-import/, and package-bpmn-export/ directories that contain their respective files. The installable package files are as follows:

  • joint-vsm-shapes.tgz
  • joint-visio.tgz
  • joint-bpmn-import.tgz
  • joint-bpmn-export.tgz


src/ has a packages/ directory that contains the source code for each JointJS+ plugin.


This applies to Enterprise customers only.

Apps in the JointJS+ package

JointJS+ comes with various demo apps including their source code. Exploring the apps' source code is the best way to get to know the framework. You can even use the apps as a boilerplate for your own applications, and customize them to your needs.


(JS, TS)


(JS, TS)




(TS, ReduxTS)



Ast (JavaScript AST Visualizer)




BPMN Pools (Composite BPMN Pool Shapes)




Database (Database Design Tool)




DataMapping (Mapping Protocol Buffers)




Kanban (Project Management Board)




Layout (DirectedGraph and GridLayout Integration)




MindMap (MindMap Editor)




OrgChart (OrgChart Editor)




Planogram (Planogram Editor)




RichTextEditor (Rich Text Editor)




Sheet Cutting




Team Order (Team Order Editor)




Theory of Change




TreeDesigner (Hierarchical Visualizer)




TreeStencil (Multi-level Stencil)




Tokens (Animated Tokens Sent Across Links)




BPMNExport (Visio BPMN Export)




BPMNImport (Visio BPMN Import)




FlowChartImport (Visio FlowChart Import)




OrgChartImport (Visio OrgChart Import)




Yamazumi 3D (Stack Bar Chart)




Image Processor




Default Visio Import





BPMN Editor





Charts (Charts Plugin)





Dijkstra (Shortest Path Finder)





Collapsible (Collapse and Expand Branches)





Constellation (Transitions)





Measurement (Distance Between Elements)





Measurement (Angle Between Links and Elements)





Tree (Radial Tree Editor)





QAD (Dialog Generator)





VectorEditor (Vector Graphics Editor)





DynamicStencil (Add Stencil Elements at Run-Time)



