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Version: 4.1


BPMNFreeTransform creates a control panel above an BPMN element that allows resizing in any direction. It inherits from the FreeTransform component.

This component is intended for use with BPMN elements - as such, it modifies the behavior of FreeTransform where relevant:

  • The allowRotation constructor option is set to false.
  • For CompositePools / Swimlanes / Phases, the resizeDirections constructor option is set to ['bottom', 'right', 'top', 'left'].
  • For CompositePools and for Swimlanes / Phases embedded in a CompositePool, the minWidth and minHeight constructor options use built-in logic that respects CompositePool's contentMargin and minimumLaneSize model attributes. This ensures that the user is only able to reduce the size of the CompositePool / Swimlane / Phase until they hit an embedded element, and that they cannot reduce the size beyond the specified minimum dimensions.
  • When resizing a CompositePool or a BPMN element embedded in a CompositePool, BPMNFreeTransform automatically adjusts the size of the CompositePool and all embedded Swimlanes and Phases - this keeps all BPMN elements within a CompositePool in sync.
  • The BPMNFreeTransform component is automatically rendered on init - you do not need to call the render() function explicitly.

See usage of the BPMNFreeTransform component in the learn section.


constructor(options?: BPMNFreeTransform.Options);

The ui.BPMNFreeTransform constructor accepts one additional parameter on top of those accepted by the ui.FreeTransform constructor:


[optional] The minimum dimension of the selected CompositePool / Swimlane / Phase / basic BPMN shape. It is 10 by default.



export interface Options extends FreeTransform.Options {
minLaneSize?: number;

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