To use DirectedGraph you should import it from @joint/layout-directed-graph
package. See more in the learn section.
is an object which contains several functions.
Convert the provided Graphlib graph object to a JointJS dia.Graph
DirectedGraph.fromGraphLib(glGraph: graphlib.Graph, opt?: FromGraphLibOptions): dia.Graph;
Custom opt.importNode
and opt.importEdge
callbacks need to be provided in order for this method to work as expected - to return a JointJS Graph matching the structure of the provided Graphlib graph (glGraph
). The callbacks are provided with the following attributes:
| a Graphlib item ID representing a node or an edge |
glGraph | the original Graphlib graph object |
graph | the JointJS Graph object to be populated (the |
opt | the options object provided to |
You need to implement your own logic inside the two callbacks to support your use case.
Rearrange graph or an array of cells into a layered layout. The function returns a bounding box of the resulting graph.
DirectedGraph.layout(graph: dia.Graph | dia.Cell[], opt?: LayoutOptions): g.Rect;
Here is a table of all available layout options:
nodeSep | a number of pixels representing the separation between adjacent nodes in the same rank |
edgeSep | a number of pixels representing the separation between adjacent edges in the same rank |
rankSep | a number of pixels representing the separation between ranks |
rankDir | direction of the layout (one of "TB" (top-to-bottom) / "BT" (bottom-to-top) / "LR" (left-to-right) /
"RL" (right-to-left)) |
marginX | number of pixels to use as a margin around the left and right of the graph. |
marginY | number of pixels to use as a margin around the top and bottom of the graph. |
ranker | Type of algorithm to assign a rank to each node in the input graph. Possible values: 'network-simplex'
(default), 'tight-tree' or 'longest-path' . |
resizeClusters | set to false if you don't want parent elements to stretch in order to fit all their embedded children.
Default is true . |
clusterPadding | A gap between the parent element and the boundary of its embedded children. It could be a number or an object
e.g. { left: 10, right: 10, top: 30, bottom: 10 } . It defaults to 10 . |
setPosition(element, position) | a function that will be used to set the position of elements at the end of the layout. This is useful if you
don't want to use the default element.set('position', position) but want to set the position in an animated
fashion via transitions. |
setVertices(link, vertices) | If set to true the layout will adjust the links by setting their vertices. It defaults to false . If the
option is defined as a function it will be used to set the vertices of links at the end of the layout. This is
useful if you don't want to use the default link.set('vertices', vertices) but want to set the vertices in an
animated fashion via transitions. |
setLabels(link, labelPosition, points) | If set to link.label(0); ) is positioned by the layout. |
exportElement(element) | Convert element attributes into dagre node attributes. By default, it
returns the element attributes mentioned in the description of the layout() function. |
exportLink(link) | Convert link attributes into dagre edge attributes. By default, it
returns the link attributes mentioned in the description of the layout() function. |
Additionally, the layout engine takes into account some attributes on elements/links to fine tune the layout further. These are:
size | element | An object with width and height properties representing the size of the element. |
minLen | link | The number of ranks to keep between the source and target of the link. |
weight | link | The weight to assign edges. Higher weight edges are generally made shorter and straighter than lower weight edges. |
labelPosition | link | Where to place the label relative to the edge. 'l' = left, 'c' = center (default), 'r' = right. |
labelOffset | link | How many pixels to move the label away from the edge. Applies only when labelPosition is left or right. |
labelSize | link | The width and height of the edge label in pixels. e.g. { width: 100, height: 50 } |
Example of setting the minLen
attribute on a link:
link.set('weight', 2);
Convert the provided JointJS dia.Graph
object to a Graphlib graph object.
DirectedGraph.toGraphLib(graph: dia.Graph, opt?: ToGraphLibOptions): graplib.Graph;
Edge in the layout engine.
interface Edge {
minLen?: number;
weight?: number;
labelpos?: 'l' | 'c' | 'r';
labeloffset?: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;
Lists options related to exporting a graph.
interface ExportOptions {
exportElement?: (element: dia.Element) => Node;
exportLink?: (link: dia.Link) => Edge;
Options for the fromGraphLib() function:
interface FromGraphLibOptions extends ImportOptions {
graph?: dia.Graph;
[key: string]: any;
Lists options related to importing a graph.
interface ImportOptions {
setPosition?: (element: dia.Element, position: dia.BBox) => void;
setVertices?: boolean | ((link: dia.Link, vertices: dia.Point[]) => void);
setLabels?: boolean | ((link: dia.Link, position: dia.Point, points: dia.Point[]) => void);
Options for the layout() function:
interface LayoutOptions extends ImportOptions, ExportOptions {
align?: 'UR' | 'UL' | 'DR' | 'DL';
rankDir?: 'TB' | 'BT' | 'LR' | 'RL';
ranker?: 'network-simplex' | 'tight-tree' | 'longest-path';
nodeSep?: number;
edgeSep?: number;
rankSep?: number;
marginX?: number;
marginY?: number;
resizeClusters?: boolean;
clusterPadding?: dia.Padding;
Node in the layout engine.
interface Node {
width?: number;
height?: number;
Options for the toGraphLib() function:
interface ToGraphLibOptions extends ExportOptions {
[key: string]: any;