The attributes in JointJS define how the graphics elements are to be rendered inside of the element and link views. All the standard SVG styling properties are available (both kebab-case
and camelCase
The JointJS built-in shapes use the camelCase
style for attribute names.
Only one style should be used within an application. Mixing styles can lead to unexpected behavior.
// Setting attributes on the model
link.attr('line/stroke-width', 2);
link.attr('line/strokeWidth', 3);
// Both attributes are set.
// It's not clear which attribute will be used
link.attr('line'); // => { stroke-width: 2, strokeWidth: 3 }
In addition JointJS modifies the behavior of existing attributes (the use of calc() for specifying attribute values) and defines new so-called "special" attributes and allows programmers to define their own.
Here is the list of all built-in attributes in the attributes
Valid within the LinkView context.
Move the subelement to the point at a given distance along the connection path but do not auto-orient it according to the path's gradient. Use a positive number to define the distance from the source of the link and a negative number from the target of the link.
link.attr('rectSelector', { atConnectionLengthIgnoreGradient: 30, width: 10, height: 10, fill: 'red' });
alias: atConnectionLength
Valid within the LinkView context.
Move and auto-orient the subelement to the point at a given distance along the connection path. Use a positive number to define the distance from the source of the link and a negative number from the target of the link
link.attr('rectSelector', { atConnectionLength: 30, width: 10, height: 10, fill: 'red' });
link.attr('rectSelector', { atConnectionLengthKeepGradient: 30, width: 10, height: 10, fill: 'red' });
Valid within the LinkView context.
Move the subelement to the point at a given ratio of the connection total length but do not auto-orient it according to the path's gradient. It accepts a number in the [0,1]
link.attr('rectSelector', { atConnectionRatioKeepGradient: .5, width: 10, height: 10, fill: 'red' });
alias: atConnectionRatio
Valid within the LinkView context.
Move and auto-orient the subelement to the point at a given ratio of the connection total length. It accepts a number in the [0,1]
link.attr('rectSelector', { atConnectionRatio: .5, width: 10, height: 10, fill: 'red' });
link.attr('rectSelector', { atConnectionRatioKeepGradient: .5, width: 10, height: 10, fill: 'red' });
applies to: <path/>
Valid within the LinkView context.
If true
, set the shape of the subelement to match the shape of the LinkView (set the 'd'
attribute to the result of the link connector).
You can also provide an object with the following options:
Name | Type | Description |
stubs | Number | If provided, display only the beginning and end stubs of the connection and hide the remaining central section. A positive value determines the length of each stub. If the value is negative, it determines the length of the hidden section of the connection between the two stubs. |
link1.attr('pathSelector', { connection: true, stroke: 'red', fill: 'none' });
link2.attr('pathSelector', { connection: { stubs: -20 }});
Designate another subelement of the cell as a proxy target for the cell's container, whenever this subelement (the one on which this attribute is defined) becomes the target of an embedding. (Usually, this attribute needs to be defined on the `'root'` subelement of the cell, since that is the default target for the cell's container.) Expects a selector.
A change in the cell's container affects the following characteristics of the cell view:
- embedding highlighter
// `standard.Rectangle` has `root`, `body` and `label` subelements
const rect = new shapes.standard.Rectangle();
// we want to have the `label` on the outside and under the `body` of the rectangle:
rect.attr(['label'], { y: 'calc(h + 10)', textVerticalAnchor: 'top' });
// normally, when a user tries to embed a child to the rectangle,
// the `root` subelement would be highlighted (the wrapper of `body` and `label`)
// however, we want only the `body` to be highlighted,
// so we need to specify it as a proxy for `root`:
rect.attr(['root', 'containerSelector'], 'body');
applies to: <circle/>
, <ellipse/>
The same as the SVG cx attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ cx: 'calc(w / 2)' }
applies to: <circle/>
, <ellipse/>
The same as the SVG cy attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ cy: 'calc(h / 2)' }
applies to: <path/>
The same as the SVG d attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ d: 'M 0 0 calc(w) 0 calc(h) 0 z' }
applies to: <text/>
If set to true
, the SVGTextElement with empty content will be rendered. It's useful when the text needs to be editable.
The event
attribute makes the selected node and its descendants trigger an arbitrary event when clicked (mousedown/touchstart). This event is triggered on the view itself and the paper. The paper handler is called with the signature cellView
, evt
, x
, y
, while the cell view handler is called only with evt
, x
, y
image: {
// pointerdown on the image SVG node will trigger the `element:delete` event
event: 'element:delete',
xlinkHref: 'trash.png'
width: 20,
height: 20
// Binding handler to the event
paper.on('element:delete', function(elementView, evt) {
// Stop any further actions with the element view e.g. dragging
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this element?')) {
applies to: <circle/>
, <ellipse/>
, <path/>
, <polygon/>
, <polyline/>
, <rect/>
, <text/>
The fill
attribute becomes a special attribute only in case it's defined as an object, instead of the usual SVG syntax
(e.g. "#ffaabb"
). If it's defined as an object, it is assumed to be either a gradient or pattern definition. It must
have the form defined by the defineGradient()
(resp. definePattern()) paper method.
element.attr('rect/fill', {
type: 'linearGradient',
stops: [
{ offset: '0%', color: '#E67E22' },
{ offset: '20%', color: '#D35400' },
{ offset: '40%', color: '#E74C3C' },
{ offset: '60%', color: '#C0392B' },
{ offset: '80%', color: '#F39C12' }
element.attr('rect/fill', {
type: 'pattern',
attrs: {
width: 10,
height: 10
markup: util.svg`<polygon points="0,0 2,5 0,10 5,8 10,10 8,5 10,0 5,2"/>`
The filter
attribute becomes a special attribute only in case it's defined as an object, instead of the usual SVG syntax (e.g. "url(#myfilter)"
). If it's defined as an object, it must have the form defined by the defineFilter() paper method.
element.attr('rect/filter', {
name: 'dropShadow',
args: {
dx: 2,
dy: 2,
blur: 3
applies to: <rect/>
, <image/>
, <foreignObject/>
The same as the SVG height attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ height: 'calc(h + 10)' }
Designate another subelement of the cell as a proxy target for the cell's magnet, whenever this subelement (the one on which this attribute is defined) becomes the source/target of a link. (Usually, this attribute needs to be defined on the `'root'` subelement of the cell, since that is the default target for the cell's magnet.) Expects a selector.
A change in the cell's magnet affects the following characteristics of the cell view:
- magnet highlight
It has no effect on the connection validation and link model attributes.
// `standard.Rectangle` has `root`, `body` and `label` subelements
const rect = new shapes.standard.Rectangle();
// we want to have the `label` on the outside and under the `body` of the rectangle:
rect.attr(['label'], { y: 'calc(h + 10)', textVerticalAnchor: 'top' });
// normally, highlighters would appear around
// the `root` subelement (the wrapper of `body` and `label`)
// however, we want highlighters to highlight only to the `body` subelement,
// so we need to specify it as a proxy for `root`:
rect.attr(['root','highlighterSelector'], 'body');
Valid for HTML subelements (e.g a <div/>
inside a <foreignObject/>
The html
attribute allows you to define an HTML content of the subelement. The value of the html
attribute is a string representing serialized HTML content. The HTML content is rendered inside the subelement.
element.attr(['foreignObjectSelector', 'html'], '<div style="color: red">Hello, World!</div>');
When set to true
, the subelement can become the source/target of a link during link reconnection. Useful for so called 'ports'. When set to magnet: 'passive'
, a new link won't be added to the graph when a user clicks on the respective magnet. This use case is common for the creation of 'input' ports.
const paper = new dia.Paper({
// Other Paper options
// The default behaviour of magnet validation
validateMagnet: function(_cellView, magnet, _evt) {
return magnet.getAttribute('magnet') !== 'passive';
const portIn = {
label: {
// Label position and markup
attrs: {
portBody: {
// Other portBody attributes
magnet: 'passive' // No link added upon user click
label: { text: 'port' }
markup: util.svg`<rect @selector="portBody"/>`
Designate another subelement of the cell as a proxy target for the cell's magnet, whenever this subelement (the one on which this attribute is defined) becomes the source/target of a link. (Usually, this attribute needs to be defined on the `'root'` subelement of the cell, since that is the default target for the cell's magnet.) Expects a selector.
A change in the cell's magnet affects the following characteristics of the cell view:
- link anchor
- link connection point
- connector
- router
It has no effect on the connection validation, magnet highlighter and the source
and target
link model attributes.
// `standard.Rectangle` has `root`, `body` and `label` subelements
const rect = new shapes.standard.Rectangle();
// we want to have the `label` on the outside and under the `body` of the rectangle:
rect.attr(['label'], { y: 'calc(h + 10)', textVerticalAnchor: 'top' });
// normally, links would connect to the `root` subelement (the wrapper of `body` and `label`)
// however, we want links to connect only to the `body` subelement,
// so we need to specify it as a proxy for `root`:
rect.attr(['root','magnetSelector'], 'body');
applies to: <polyline/>
, <polygon/>
The same as the SVG points attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ points: '0,0 0,calc(h) calc(w),calc(h) calc(w),0' }
An object containing at least an id
property. This property uniquely identifies the port. If a link gets connected to a magnet that has also a port
object defined, the id
property of the port object will be copied to the port
property of the source/target of the link.
Special attribute for setting the properties of the HTMLElement. The value is not set as a node attribute, but using the DOM property.
element.attr('input', {
props: { value: 'text', readonly: false },
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Enter text'
is an object with one or more of the following properties: value
, checked
, disabled
, readOnly
, contentEditable
, multiple
, selected
, indeterminate
For example, to set the content of the textarea element, use the following syntax:
element.attr('textarea/props/value', 'textarea content');
When setting a value of the select element, pass the value of the option element.
element.attr('select/props/value', 'option1');
For the select with multiple options, pass an array of values.
element.attr('select/props/value', ['option1', 'option2'], { rewrite: true });
applies to: <circle/>
The same as the SVG r attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ r: 'calc(s / 2)' }
Requires the paper to be in the render tree (e.g. not display: none
JointJS needs to measure the size of the referenced element. If the referenced element is not in the render tree, the size cannot be measured and the relative attributes will not work as expected.
Using such attributes can affect the performance of the application. It is recommended to use them only when necessary.
A selector pointing to an element that is used as a reference for calculating relative size and position. attributes.
If the ref
attribute is not used, the bounding box of the reference used to calculate the relative position is the bounding box of the element model itself, i.e. el.getBBox() (which is sufficient in most cases).
Set cx
attribute of the subelement relatively to the width of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
attribute. If the value is in the [0, 1]
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the cx
of the subelement will be set as a percentage of the width of the referenced element. If the value is <0
or >1
, the height of the subelement will be smaller/bigger than the width of the referenced element by the amount specified. Note that this makes sense only for SVG elements that support rx
and ry
attributes, such as <ellipse>
Set cy
attribute of the subelement relatively to the height of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
attribute. If the value is in the [0, 1]
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the cy
of the subelement will be set as a percentage of the height of the referenced element. If the value is <0
or >1
, the height of the subelement will be smaller/bigger than the height of the referenced element by the amount specified. Note that this makes sense only for SVG elements that support rx
and ry
attributes, such as <ellipse>
Set d
attribute of the <path/>
subelement relatively to the dimensions and position of the element referenced by the selector in the ref
attribute. The refD
path data is scaled so that the path's dimensions match the reference element's dimensions, and translated so that the path's origin matches the origin of the reference element.
The original path data offset is preserved. This means that if the top-left corner of the refD
bounding box does not lie at 0,0
, the gap between the path and origin is preserved in the rendered shape, as well.
const Path = dia.Element.define('examples.Path', {
attrs: {
path: {
refDKeepOffset: 'M 10 10 30 10 30 30 z', // path offset is 10,10
fill: 'red',
stroke: 'black'
}, {
markup: util.svg`<path @selector="path"/>`
const p = (new Path()).resize(40, 40).addTo(graph);
// the rendered path's `d` attribute will be 'M 10 10 50 10 50 50 z'
// can be obtained by `p.findView(paper).findNode('path').getAttribute('d');`
alias: refD
Set d
attribute of the <path/>
subelement relatively to the dimensions and position of the element referenced by the selector in the ref
attribute. The refD
path data is scaled so that the path's dimensions match the reference element's dimensions, and translated so that the path's origin matches the origin of the reference element.
The original path data offset is not preserved. This means that if the top-left corner of the refD
bounding box does not lie at 0,0
, the path is translated so that this gap disappears. The rendered path then fits perfectly into the reference element's bounding box.
const Path = dia.Element.define('examples.Path', {
attrs: {
path: {
refDResetOffset: 'M 10 10 30 10 30 30 z', // path offset of 10,10 will be discarded
fill: 'red',
stroke: 'black'
}, {
markup: util.svg`<path @selector="path"/>`
const p = (new Path()).resize(40, 40).addTo(graph);
// the rendered path's `d` attribute will be 'M 0 0 40 0 40 40 z'
// can be obtained by `p.findView(paper).findNode('path').getAttribute('d');`
Make x-coordinate of the subelement relative to the right edge of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
Make y-coordinate of the subelement relative to the bottom edge of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
Set height of the subelement relatively to the height of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
attribute. If the value is in the [0, 1]
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the height of the subelement will be set as a percentage of the height of the referenced element. If the value is <0
or >1
, the height of the subelement will be smaller/bigger than the height of the referenced element by the amount specified. Note that this makes sense only for SVG elements that support width
and height
attributes, such as <rect>
Same as refHeight
. Useful when one needs to resize an element absolutely and relatively at the same time. Note that all percentages are relative to 100% of the referenced height.
// resizes the element to 25% of the reference height
// (25% = 100% - 75%) plus extra 20 pixels
{ refHeight: 20, refHeight2: '-75%' }
Set the points
attribute of the <polygon>
or <polyline>
subelement relatively to the dimensions and position of the element referenced by the selector in the ref
attribute. The refPoints
are scaled so that the subelement's dimensions match the reference element's dimensions, and translated so that the their origin matches the origin of the reference element.
The original points offset is preserved. This means that if the top-left corner of the refPoints
bounding box does not lie at 0,0
, the gap between the points and origin is preserved in the rendered shape, as well.
const Polygon = dia.Element.define('examples.Polygon', {
attrs: {
polygon: {
refPoints: '10,10 30,10 30,30', // points offset is 10,10
fill: 'red',
stroke: 'black'
}, {
markup: util.svg`<polygon @selector="polygon"/>`
const p = (new Polygon()).resize(40, 40).addTo(graph);
// the rendered polygon's `points` attribute will be '10,10 50,10 50,50'
// can be obtained by `p.findView(paper).findNode('polygon').getAttribute('points');`
alias: refPoints
Set the points
attribute of the <polygon>
or <polyline>
subelement relatively to the dimensions and position of the element referenced by the selector in the ref
attribute. The refPoints
are scaled so that the subelement's dimensions match the reference element's dimensions, and translated so that the their origin matches the origin of the reference element.
The original points offset is not preserved. This means that if the top-left corner of the refPoints
bounding box does not lie at 0,0
, the subelement is translated so that this gap disappears. The rendered subelement then fits perfectly into the reference element's bounding box.
const Polygon = dia.Element.define('examples.Polygon', {
attrs: {
polygon: {
refPoints: '10,10 30,10 30,30', // points offset of 10,10 will be discarded
fill: 'red',
stroke: 'black'
}, {
markup: util.svg`<polygon @selector="polygon"/>`
const p = (new Polygon()).resize(40, 40).addTo(graph);
// the rendered polygon's `points` attribute will be '0,0 40,0 40,40'
// can be obtained by `p.findView(paper).findNode('polygon').getAttribute('points');`
Set the r attribute of the subelement relatively to the circumscribed size (length of the diagonal of the bounding box) of the element referenced by the selector in the ref
attribute. If the value is in the [0, 1]
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the r
of the subelement will be set as a percentage of the size of the referenced element. If the value is <0
or >1
, the size of the subelement will be smaller/bigger than the size of the referenced element by the amount specified. Note that this makes sense only for SVG elements that support r
attribute, such as <circle>
alias: refR
Set the r
attribute of the subelement relatively to the inscribed size (width or height of the bounding box, whichever is smaller) of the element referenced by the selector in the ref
attribute. If the value is in the [0, 1]
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the r
of the subelement will be set as a percentage of the size of the referenced element. If the value is <0
or >1
, the size of the subelement will be smaller/bigger than the size of the referenced element by the amount specified. Note that this makes sense only for SVG elements that support r
attribute, such as <circle>
Set rx
attribute of the subelement relatively to the width of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
attribute. If the value is in the [0, 1]
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the rx
of the subelement will be set as a percentage of the width of the referenced element. If the value is <0
or >1
, the height of the subelement will be smaller/bigger than the width of the referenced element by the amount specified. Note that this makes sense only for SVG elements that support rx
and ry
attributes, such as <ellipse>
Set ry
attribute of the subelement relatively to the height of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
attribute. If the value is in the [0, 1]
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the ry
of the subelement will be set as a percentage of the height of the referenced element. If the value is <0
or >1
, the height of the subelement will be smaller/bigger than the height of the referenced element by the amount specified. Note that this makes sense only for SVG elements that support rx
and ry
attributes, such as <ellipse>
Set width of the subelement relatively to the width of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
attribute. If the value is in the [0, 1]
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the width of the subelement will be set as a percentage of the width of the referenced element. If the value is <0
or >1
, the width of the subelement will be smaller/bigger than the width of the referenced element by the amount specified. For example, 'ref-width': .75
sets the width of the subelement to 75%
of the width of the referenced element. 'ref-width': 20
makes the width to be 20px
less than the width of the referenced element. Note that this makes sense only for SVG elements that support width
and height
attributes, such as <rect>
Same as refWidth
. Useful when one needs to resize an element absolutely and relatively at the same time. Note that all percentages are relative to 100% of the referenced width.
// resizes the element to 25% of the reference width
// (25% = 100% - 75%) plus extra 20 pixels
{ refWidth: 20, refWidth2: '-75%' }
Make x-coordinate of the subelement relative to the x-coordinate of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
attribute. If ref-x
is in the (0,1)
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the offset is calculated from the fraction of the bounding box of the referenced element. Otherwise, it is an absolute value in pixels.
Same as refX
. Useful when one needs to position an element absolutely and relatively at the same time.
// moves the element by 50% of the referenced width
// plus extra 20 pixels.
{ refX: '50%', refX2: 20 }
Make y-coordinate of the subelement relative to the y-coordinate of the element referenced to by the selector in ref
attribute. If ref-y
is in the (0,1)
interval (or expressed in percentages, e.g. '80%'
), the offset is calculated from the fraction of the bounding box of the referenced element. Otherwise, it is an absolute value in pixels.
Same as refY
. Useful when one needs to position an element absolutely and relatively at the same time.
// moves the element by 50% of the referenced height
// plus extra 20 pixels.
{ refY: '50%', refY2: 20 }
Requires the paper to be in the render tree (e.g. not display: none
). See the ref attribute for more information.
If set to true
, the subelement offset (the distance from x0 y0 to the most top-left point) will be reset to x0 y0.
path: {
// The path bbox for `d="M 10 10 20 20"` is x10 y10 w10 h10.
d: 'M 10 10 20 20',
// The path bbox will be changed to x0 y0 w10 h10.
// This has same effect as passing path with `d="M 0 0 10 10"`
resetOffset: true
The same as the SVG rx attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ rx: 'calc(w / 2)' }
The same as the SVG ry attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ ry: 'calc(h / 2)' }
applies to: <circle/>
, <ellipse/>
, <line/>
, <path/>
, <polygon/>
, <polyline/>
, <rect/>
It draws an SVG element at the beginning of a path (the source of the link). The element is automatically rotated based on the path direction. It must have the form defined by the defineMarker() paper method.
link.attr('line/sourceMarker', {
type: 'circle', // SVG Circle
fill: '#666',
stroke: '#333',
r: 5, // radius of the circle
cx: 5 // move the centre of the circle 5 pixels from the end of the path
The stroke
attribute becomes a special attribute only in case it's defined as an object. This has the exact same behaviour as the fill attribute.
An object containing CSS styles for a subelement.
applies to: <circle/>
, <ellipse/>
, <line/>
, <path/>
, <polygon/>
, <polyline/>
, <rect/>
The same as sourceMarker but draws an SVG element at the end of the path. Note the coordinate system for drawing is rotated by 180 degrees for convenience (this allows to use the same marker for source and target and have them both face the connected elements).
applies to: <text/>
The text
attribute contains the text that should be set on the subelement. If the provided string does not contain any newline characters ('\n'
), the text is set directly as the content of the <text/>
subelement. Alternatively, if the provided string has multiple lines, each line becomes the content of a <tspan/>
child of the <text/>
If you need the text to be automatically wrapped inside the <text/>
subelement, you should use the textWrap
attribute instead. It can automatically add line breaks into the provided string as necessary, and mark them with newline characters.
applies to: <text/>
can be either a string or an object.
If it is a string:
It specifies a path
attribute the text will be rendered along. -
If it is an object:
Property Type Description d
string The d
attribute of a path the text will be rendered along.selector
string A selector that targets an SVGPathElement within the shape. startOffset
string or number The position of the text along the path (e.g. '50%'
el.attr('labelSelector/textPath' { selector: 'pathSelector', startOffset: '50%' });
See the Vectorizer.text
method for more details.
applies to: <text/>
The attribute is used to (top-, middle- or bottom-) align a text, relative to a point determined by reference to provided x
, y
, transform
, and similar attributes. See the Vectorizer.text
method for more details.
applies to: <text/>
It enables the text wrapping for the text
attribute (automatically breaks the lines to fit within the reference bounding box).
It expects an object with several optional properties.
and height
adjust the final size of the wrapped text.
- If not provided, the text is wrapped to fit the reference bounding box
- It can be a calc() expression (e.g.
'calc(w - 10)'
) - Percentage expression (e.g.
is half the width or height) - A positive number is an absolute dimension (e.g
fits the text within 50 pixels) - A negative number is a relative dimension (e.g.
is an equivalent to'calc(w - 10)'
resp.'calc(h - 10)'
) - Use
to disable wrapping in a given dimension
If the text cannot fit into the bounding box as specified, the overflowing words are cut off. If the ellipsis
option is provided, an ellipsis string is inserted before the cutoff. If no words can fit into the bounding box at all, no text is inserted.
element1.attr('label', {
text: 'Text to wrap.',
textWrap: {
width: 'calc(w - 10)', // reference width minus 10
height: null // no height restriction
element2.attr('label', {
text: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit',
textWrap: {
width: -10, // reference width minus 10
height: '50%', // half of the reference height
ellipsis: true // could also be a custom string, e.g. '...!?'
For more info see util.breakText.
Add the text-only description in form of a <title>
element to the associated node. The title is not rendered as part of the graphics, but it's displayed as a tooltip.
element.attr('rect/title', 'Description of the rectangle');
The same as the SVG transform attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ transform: 'translate(calc(w / 2), 0)' }
applies to: <circle/>
, <ellipse/>
, <line/>
, <path/>
, <polygon/>
, <polyline/>
, <rect/>
The same as sourceMarker but draws SVG elements at every vertex of the path.
The same as the SVG width attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ width: 'calc(w + 10)' }
applies to: <rect/>
, <text/>
, <image/>
, <foreignObject/>
The same as the SVG x attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ x: 'calc(w / 2)' }
Use the SVG text-anchor attribute for horizontal text alignment.
Requires the paper to be in the render tree (e.g. not display: none
). See the ref attribute for more information.
If set to 'middle'
, the subelement will be centered around its new x-coordinate.
applies to: <rect/>
, <text/>
, <image/>
, <foreignObject/>
The same as the SVG y attribute, but it can be a calc() expression.
{ y: 'calc(h / 2)' }
Use the textVerticalAnchor attribute for vertical text alignment.
Requires the paper to be in the render tree (e.g. not display: none
). See the ref attribute for more information.
If set to 'middle'
, the subelement will be centered around its new y-coordinate.