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VisioIndexedSection inherits from VisioSection. Indexed section structures order rows using an integer index. Order of rows is important.

Following sections use indexed row structure: Character Connection Field FillGradient Geometry Layer LineGradient Paragraph Reviewer Scratch Tabs



visioIndexedSection.addRow(): VisioRow;

Appends a VisioRow to an indexed section rows collection.

const scratch = vsdShape.getSection(VisioSectionType.Scratch);
scratch.addRow(); // add a row with next available index


visioIndexedSection.getRow(index: number): VisioRow;

Return a VisioRow with a given index in a section with indexed structure. If row doesn't exist, return null.


visioIndexedSection.removeRow(index: number): VisioRow[];

Remove a row with the given index from an indexed section.

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