JointJS+ provides a Visio plugin that enables the ability to import a Microsoft Visio 2013 VSDX file, convert Visio Shapes to JointJS Cells, and export a JointJS Paper as a VSDX archive.
The Visio plugin is an independent module distributed as part of the JointJS+ archive:
- Unzip the archive and navigate to the
folder inside. - Copy the
file and paste it into the root of your package.
Then, install the Visio package (@joint/format-visio
) using your package manager:
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
npm add joint-visio.tgz
pnpm add ./joint-visio.tgz
yarn add @joint/format-visio@file:joint-visio.tgz
Now, you can import functionality from @joint/format-visio
into your application as necessary:
- JointJS
- JointJS+
import { dia, shapes } from '@joint/core';
import { VisioArchive } from '@joint/format-visio';
The following example imports a VSDX project using the default converter:
VisioArchive.fromURL('network.vsdx').then((archive) => {
const page = archive.document.getPages()[0];
const graph = new dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace: shapes });
const paper = new dia.Paper({
el: document.getElementById('paper'),
model: graph,
cellViewNamespace: shapes,
interactive: false,
width: page.width,
height: page.height,
async: true,
frozen: true
page.getContent().then((content) => {
const cells = content.toGraphCells();
There is also a UMD version available
Place the UMD distribution of the plugin into the root of your package:
- Navigate to the
folder inside the unzipped JointJS+ archive. - Copy the
file and paste it into the root of your package.
Place the source code of the two required dependencies - formula-parser.js
and jszip.js
- into the root of your package.
One way to do that is via NPM
Navigate to the
folder inside the unzipped JointJS+ archive (parent folder of the folder we started with). -
Install the package using NPM:
npm install
Navigate to the newly created
folder. -
Copy the
file and paste it into the root of your package. -
Copy the
file and paste it into the root of your package.
Include joint-visio.js
plus its dependencies formula-parser.js
and jszip.js
in your HTML:
- JointJS
- JointJS+
<script src="joint.js"></script>
<script src="jszip.js"></script>
<script src="formula-parser.js"></script>
<script src="joint-visio.js"></script>
Access Visio
through the joint.format
joint.format.Visio.VisioArchive.fromURL('network.vsdx').then((archive) => {
const page = archive.document.getPages()[0];
const graph = new joint.dia.Graph({}, { cellNamespace: joint.shapes });
const paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
el: document.getElementById('paper'),
model: graph,
cellViewNamespace: joint.shapes,
interactive: false,
width: page.width,
height: page.height,
async: true,
frozen: true
page.getContent().then((content) => {
const cells = content.toGraphCells();
- To import a VSDX file, use
and a chosen method that is suited for the source type:- fromURL - using a local or remote vsdx file
- fromBase64 - using a vsdx file in a form of a Base64 string
- fromArrayBuffer - using a vsdx file in a form of an ArrayBuffer
- To export a JointJS paper as a VSDX archive, use the VisioPage.fromPaper method to update the archive, and then export it using VisioArchive.toVSDX.
Visio import​
This basic example of how to import a Visio project, and use it in a JointJS application, uses the default import process.
As the default converter translates Visio Shapes as-is, the result might differ in JointJS in comparison to Visio.
// load a vsdx file and pick a page to work with
const { document: vsdDocument } = await VisioArchive.fromURL('./project.vsdx');
const [page0] = vsdDocument.getPages();
// load objects present on the VisioPage
const pageContent = await page0.getContent();
// use default converter to create JointJS Cells from Visio Shapes
const cells = pageContent.toGraphCells();
paper.setDimensions(page0.width, page0.height);
For an example with mapping, which gives more control over how Visio Shapes are imported, see the Visio BPMN Import application.
Visio export​
A basic export example that uses the default converter to translate the JointJS Paper as-is.
Do keep in mind that results might differ between JointJS applications and Visio (i.e. unmapped icons might not display properly).
// load Visio archive that will be used for export
const archive = await VisioArchive.fromURL('./project.vsdx');
const { document: vsdDocument } = archive;
// pick a page that will be the target for the export
const [page0] = vsdDocument.getPages();
// update page in the archive with JointJS Paper data using the default converter
await page0.fromPaper(paper);
// download archive using chosen method
const blob = await archive.toVSDX({ type: 'blob' });
util.downloadBlob(blob, 'project.vsdx');
See the Visio BPMN Export application.